

It was initially a song to me, a mantra to recite under my breath as a testament to angels that walked amongst us. I am not a perfect man, far from it. My flaws drown out my contribution to society, but then again, that's my opinion. 

It was initially a far-fetched dream for me, a hope to keep alive when all was blue and living was a fuss. I am not a strong man, yet I think she saw it. She saw the glint in my eye that gave away that I could love again, that it was an option.

It was an epiphany for me, when she slowly walked into my life, how her bright young eyes threw up a ruckus. It was her perfect hair, her smile that really hit. I saw an angel incarnate that walked my way showing me I could be whole again, and I thought she'd run.

It was a love as old as time for me, a harmony of existences without strife, coming together to sing a song of the cosmos. I am not alone anymore, she gave me back my magic. The way her smile lit up her face when I tell her she's beautiful, she is brighter than the sun.

It is now a goal worth living for, to me, a future I can bring about in my life, keeping my love tender and without loss. I wish to belong to her, if she would take my heart and keep it. She was the reason for my rhyme, as my poetry tried but in vain to show her we are not two, but one.


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