Between Land and Sea

Eternity. How would you describe it?

Lights were bright that dark evening, dancing in her brown irises that made his heart race. She was the ocean; her soul was deep and full of life, a deep-seated sense of quiet that has the potential to move nations. He knew she was bound by strings she herself weaved into ropes and then linked into chains, and for some reason, he knew he was the only hammer that could break her free.

Forever. What was forever to a single soul?

Her hands were soft and welcoming, yet she would squeeze her palms to tell him she loved him. Her smile was one of soft hesitation, but her lips parted every time to tell him she loved him. Her arms would try to push him yet her hands found refuge and solace all over his face and his back to tell him she loved him. She never uttered the words, but she would give him a silent kiss and an escaping sigh to tell him she loved him. 

Always. Was always just a synonym to repetition?

He knew their love was sudden yet borne out of eons of patient waiting of the universe to finally converge and complete itself. Like the meeting of the land and sea, they were together irrefutable and undeniable. Their passion was the storms that beat upon cliffs, like the rivers that carved grooves in the land in an embrace of millennia. She found root in him, he knew she did, but like the tides she slowly pulled her hands away every now and then, only to come back again. 

Gently loving, gently touching, gently kissing. Coexisting.

While he was stationary, she had traversed miles upon miles. Her past made her passions tender and raw, unsure yet of which coast her waves would settle upon. And so, as the universe had set the precedent for him, he would wait too. Her final embrace before she went on her pilgrimage of self-discovery was long and warm, a fire akin to the volcanoes that had shaped him before her arrival. He watched her walk away, her artistically curved hips tracing a rhythm of love in the air. He longed for her, but he knew he would wait.

He knew that, her love, if he was worthy of it, would be 
forever and 

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